Basic Salad with Homemade Dressing
This is the basic and easiest salad to make, all you need is lettuce, tomato, cucumber, white onion or green onion.
The home made salad dressing is a mixture of lemon juice, veggie oil (but you can use olive oil) and several different spices from no other then my mom.
These spices are pretty simple too, they are dried mint, red pepper,a spice called sumack and some salt.
I love the taste of lemon juice so when I make the dressing I put a little more lemon juice then veggie oil.
The base starts with:
3 cap fulls of lemon juice and 2 cap fulls of veggie oil (I use their own caps from the bottles they come in, so just keep that in mind).
I use about 2 pinches of each spice and salt of course but this depends on the size of your salad. Obviously the bigger it is the more you add.
Tip: When I first started making this salad I wasn't sure about the amounts of each spice and the liquids so I would just put it in a small bowl and then after mixing it I taste it and I adjust the spices or liquids based on that.

I recently ran out of cucumber but I had avocados on hand and really wanted to make an avocado salad. So instead of cucumber I cut one avocado dicing it to bite size, it fit well with the homemade dressing and I was able to make a salad with avocado, which is what I was trying to do but wasn't sure if it would work. I am happy to say it was very delicious.
